Karen's Green Maids

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3 signs you need to fire your cleaning lady

Red Flags That Its Time To Fire Your Cleaning Lady

Many people have the great pleasure of hiring a cleaning lady to clean their homes. And while most of the cleaning ladies are hardworking individuals that strive to do their best work, there are some that lack that hardworking attribute. While in the beginning, their work was satisfactory over time their work just started going down like a negative slope. You might be one of those people with a cleaning lady who’s work performance has gone down. You may have considered firing her, but you’re not quite sure. Both of you may have established a good relationship with each other and you don’t want to hurt her feelings by firing her. What is the basis for firing a cleaning lady? What are clear indications one needs to fire a cleaning lady? You potentially may have asked yourself these questions and have not found the answers yet, well waste no more time because in this blog we will be discussing just that: 3 signs you need to fire your cleaning lady.

She Doesn’t Improve 

In the event that your cleaning lady has not been cleaning well to your standards, talk to her about it. In a respectful and friendly way, clearly point out to her what areas she has been lacking. Writing down a list of what you want her to do, or showing her what you want her to accomplish better may be very helpful. A quick dialogue about the subject may be all that is needed for her to improve her work. If you notice she has not made any sort of improvement, and you’re finding yourself devoting time to clean things she missed like a massive dust bunny, then it’s time to let her go.

She Isn’t Quick

We all have heard the expression time is money which literally means it is best to do things as quickly as possible since time is an extremely valuable resource that we can’t ever get back. Well, that expression applies to this situation. The point I’m trying to get across here is that if your cleaning lady works at a very slow pace like she takes 2 hours to vacuum a regular-sized bedroom or 30 minutes to do a bed then it’s time to search for a better, faster worker. Especially if you're paying her at an hourly rate. There are for sure a lot of hardworking individuals out there that are not only good but fast at doing the work you expect, all it takes is a bit of research on your behalf.

She Is Too Clumsy

Nobody is perfect, accidents happen, but there’s a certain limit to that. When you repeatedly start to note your cleaning lady breaking flower pots, shattering dishes, cracking picture frames, and more things, then it’s time to wave her goodbye. 

Some people find firing their cleaning lady a tad bit frightening, however, you shouldn’t feel that way at all. If your cleaning lady has not been doing a well enough job for you, you have a legitimate reason to cancel the service. You are paying for it with your own money after all. When you’re talking to her just say you won’t need her service anymore because she manifests each of the signs listed above and despite talking to her about it she has not changed. While doing so always try your best to be respectful since you really want to end things on a good note.

Here at Karen’s Green Maids, we work wholeheartedly with all of our cleaners and of course, our awesome clients, to provide a superb, steady cleaning service. Since client satisfaction is our priority, we make sure to conduct training lessons to all our cleaners to ensure they are adequately trained in cleaning different environments. We are open-minded to feedback and suggestions to verify that all our clients are more than happy with our service. Contact us anytime at (773)-538-3031 to find out more about our cleaning services.