Karen’s Green Maid Service featuring Air Diffusers



Understanding Air Diffusers

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Air diffusers can be dated back to the ancient days. The use of essential oils had appeared since the ancient civilization period in China, Egypt, Greek, and Rome. Today, the essential oil diffusers are used as an aroma therapeutic treatment of the happening diffusion form. In addition, it provides the fragrance of the essential oils and herbal species for healing distillation. People are using the process of diffusing the essential oils, and once it evaporated in the air, it emits a fresh, aromatic scent that has good effects to the health and wellness as well. Diffusing is a method of aromatherapy, it is an art and science. A mist is spread into the air, and once inhaled, it could promote the health of body, mind and spirit (energy). There are different processes and methods on how you could do it, but it all boils down to one common denominator - essential oils.


Most Important Ingredient of Air Diffusing

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Essential Oil is the most important part of air diffuser. These are highly concentrated extracts from flowers, leaves, and other plant parts. These essential oils are plant-derived, and is being extracted through the process of distillation. After the essence of the plant has been extracted, it is being combined with a carrier oil, which will later be an aroma, through various processes. Today, there are over hundred different widely used essential oils, each are associated with different health and well-being benefits.

Essential oils can improve your well-being, reduce stress, and even alleviate pain. There may not be no extensive studies about the efficacy of aromatherapy, there are many good results from various oils. Although, choosing the right essential oil could give you headache. Here are the Top 10 most popular essential oils in the market:

  • Peppermint: helps in headaches and muscle pain and also stimulates energy while reducing gas and sluggish digestion.

  • Lemon: useful as housecleaning agent, because of its antimicrobial properties, and helps relieves stress and anxiety.

  • Tea Tree: another powerful antimicrobial, it can zap skin conditions and infections.

  • Rose: an aphrodisiac and mood-booster that also moisturizes skin.

  • Rosemary: relieves nasal, sinus, and chest congestion and thins mucus.

  • Lavender: has a high relaxing property that could help in getting a more relaxed and uninterrupted sleep/

  • Eucalyptus: relieves chest and sinus congestion and helps clear and stimulate the mind.

  • Ginger: helps with proper digestion, and helps a lot with constipation.

  • Roman Chamomile: useful for menstrual cramps, also relieves insomnia and anxiety.

  • Clove: offers a wide range of antimicrobial properties, also works well to numb toothaches until you’re able to see a dentist.

4 Types of Diffusers

Heat Diffuser

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This is one of the most common type, and was used to be commonly among households. A heat is used to release the scent of the oil, and spread on the air. It brings out the strong smell of the essential oils, however, according to a study conducted, heat is changing the chemical compound of the essential oil, thus, affecting its effectivity and the aromatherapy loses its natural effect. This is advisable if you only want the smell of the oil, over its health benefits, which most of the time, is not the case.

Nebulizer Diffuser

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Nebulizer diffusers have motors and a glass cylinder or bottle? How it works? It breaks the molecules into tiny pieces before dispersing it into the air. This is advisable to those that are after the therapeutic effects of the essential oils, because it is believed that the smaller the molecules are, the more therapeutic it is. It is more expensive that other brands, and is harder to clean as well. Moreover, it is more costly than the other type because the concentration is a bit strong, thus, the essential oil would run out faster.

Evaporative Diffuser

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Evaporative diffuser allows the essential oil to be exposed, causing it to evaporate in the air. It works simply by putting few drops on items like cotton, and exposing it to the air, letting it to evaporate and spread in the air. Most common type of evaporative diffuser, is the reed diffuser. Reed diffuser is putting rattan sticks on a bottle of essential oil, letting it travel upward until it evaporates in the air. The process works great for small areas, and is considered as a good alternative for chemically-infused air freshener.

Ultrasonic Diffuser

house cleaning services infused with essential oils

Ultrasonic diffuser uses ultrasonic vibration to break down the healing essential oil particles into micro particles before releasing it to the air as negative ion. This process mixed oil with water, releasing it as a mist into the air. This also works as good air humidifier, thus, helping you get double benefit. Another reasons why most people are choosing ultrasonic diffuser is that it does not use heat to change the state of the essential oil.


Benefits of Air Diffuser

Aromatherapy has a lot of benefits for human health and well-being. Enumerated below are some of the known advantages of air diffusing.


Encourages Good Sleep

Recommended oils:

  • Bergamot

  • Chamomile

  • Lavender

  • Mandarin

  • Sandalwood

  • Spikenard

  • Sweet marjoram

Many compounds that are proven to have relaxing properties can be found in most essential oils. These properties could encourage a more relaxed and uninterrupted sleep. By getting a relaxed and uninterrupted sleep, you can have a new day that is more exciting, and more positive! Example of compounds that have high relaxing properties are linalool and linalyl acetate - essential oils like lavender and bergamot are abundant on these compounds.

Relieves Stress

Recommended oils:

  • Bergamot

  • Chamomile

  • Frankincense

  • Lavender

  • Rose

Diffusing essential oils is a known and effective way to fight of anxiety and depression. It gives us peace of mind and body, and creates a calming and positive atmosphere in your home. This is a good way for you to stop and relax when feeling burned out and depressed. Just 15 minutes would be enough, and you can have a more relax and calmer mind and body.

Keeps The Environment Cool

Recommended oils:

  • Eucalyptus

  • Peppermint

  • Spearmint

  • Wintergreen

Aside from all the health benefits that you could get on these essential oils, there are also essential oils that are good for your space. These minty essential oils keep your house fresh and cool, giving a relaxing and positive ambiance to the place. This could also mean a cool and refreshed you!

Increases Energy

Recommended oils:

  • Cinnamon

  • Grapefruit

  • Lemon

  • Orange

Aside from helping your body recover from stress and relax, essential oils are also known to help boosts your energy. When you are feeling tired and exhausted, diffusing essential oils into the air is a good way to refresh and recharge your mind and body, and be ready for new challenges.

Improves Cognitive Functions

Recommended oils:

  • Basil

  • Lemongrass

  • Rosemary

  • Spearmint

  • Tangerine

Essential oils are known to relieve stress, and level out the mood on your bad days. That way, it would help you to also focus better. Looking at it at a broader view, diffusing essential oils improve memory, cognitive function, and focus. Several oils are also known for balancing out body hormones, and all these health benefits brought about by essential oils would all contribute in healing the underlying causes responsible for hampering your proper cognitive functions.



Air Diffusers in Karen’s Green Maid Service

Karen’s Green Maid Service has an innovative way of giving you not just a clean home, but also a relaxing and calming one by adding the use of air diffusers on your home cleaning services. Have an air diffuser for at least 15 minutes means a lot, and would definitely change the ambiance and atmosphere of the room. What we can do for you, is to keep the air diffuser open, cleaning and purifying the air while our professional cleaner is cleaning the house for you. That way, the fresh and scented air would be locked in until you come home, and it will welcome you with a fresh and cool ambiance.


Interested on how this works? Contact us now!


Tips And Takeaways

1. There are various method of air diffusing, all have their own pros and cons. Choose what will work best for you and your family.

2. Always look for 'PURE' essential oils.We may be tempted to buy cheap essential oils, but we have to make sure that there are no artificial chemicals being mixed on the essential oil, to get the most out of it, and also to prevent health risks as well. Choose organic, therapeutic-grade, 100% pure essential oils from reputable companies for the best results. Price of a good essential oil could vary from $10 to $20.

3. Citrus oil does not work best in ultrasonic diffuser. Some parts of the machine could be eroded over time by the acid found in most citrus oils.

4. Essential oils are powerful oils, learn how to use them safely and properly.

5. These essential oils are highly potent, please avoid using it on a prolonged period of time.

6. If you have newborns or babies around, if your are pregnant, or has a health condition, please check with your doctor first if essentials oils are safe for everyone.

7. For proper storage of you essential oils, keep it away from direct sunlight, excessive humidity, or anywhere the temperature fluctuates drastically to keep its potency.